
Just when you think it cant...

...get any worse, it does.

We ended up spending exactly 30 hours inn Las Vegas. My son fucked up our trip by being an asshole at home. So I had to purchase an emergency one way trip home for me and her. $910 bucks. Lady C got picked for the extra search after we boarded. More stress. Then a passenger got sick on the flight, needed a return to LAX. Our 6 hour flight home turned into a 11 and a half hour marathon.

I will not speak to my eldest son again.

I hold grudges.

I may be wrong in doing so, but right now, I dont fucking care.

A Royal Flush

I got a Royal Flush, worth a thousand.

And people were nice.

We went to the PinBall Hall Of Fame, wandered around, saw my HS graduating class for a moment or two.

Pinball Nostalgia

My cell phone is permanently a part of Bininons Casino's facade, as after I knew we had to go, I had had it with the bad news it always brings.

Was supposed to meet up with Little Kenny and his wife, but left. I am so sorry, K.

Was supposed to have 5 days ...

almost got 2.

Lady C

My grandkids and all are OK, and thats great. But I will be in a funk for sometime; knowing full well that I will probably never get to enjoy this life for sometime to come.

Back to 345 days of work.

Back to the grind.

Doubt I'll be back in the water soon, as I just cant do it.

Now it is just non-stop animosity between her and I, since ...I really dont know why.

Shit happens.

and thats how it goes.



Anne said...

Aloha... Shit Mark. That sucks badly.
So sorry that happened to two very deserving folks. Kids. Some days, I'd gladly have diapers and screaming and crying again, compared to the stuff that happens when they're "grown-up."
Take it easy on yourself and each other, o.k.?

Jennifer said...

I'm sad you're going through this, Mark.

Part of me wants to know if it was worse than liab no tou gnippiks, but the smarter part of me knows the details of the transgression don't matter. He let himself & his family down, which feels like the world's biggest "fuck you" to the man who's stood by him, given him the benefit of the doubt, given him good advice, been there for him through hell & high water. You don't deserve it, but the fact that you don't deserve it doesn't matter, because he did it anyway.

And that stinks.

I wish I could wash the pain and anger away. I can't. That stinks, too.

I used to get so flaming pissed off at my ex when my kids continued to fuck up. I showed for every juvie court date. He showed for nothing. I was pissed at him because I expected him to be able to put a stop to all the bullshit, and maybe he could've helped, and maybe he'd've just made things worse; but the truth is, my kids were old enough to know right from wrong and I did not own their behavior, THEY owned their behavior. If Lady C is blaming you because the shit hit the fan, I hope she reconsiders. You two have been together too long to fall apart over a son you can't control.

I'm glad KJ and Keeks are okay.

Much love, Mark. I wish only peace for you and your family.

Little Kenny said...

Like I said before totally weak and I mean the having to fly home part and the dealing with the eldest part.

As for not meeting up it's all good. Mrs. LK was there for work and I was only going to fly up for Saturday night to hang out with you. So since you emailed early I just bailed on the trip and Mrs. LK came home on Saturday as originally planned ready for not being and working in Las Vegas. We had "fun" at home instead. ;) No gambling though. I was a pretty sure thing. Heh.

Congrats on the royal flush. Hopefully we'll see you next January on your turf instead of mine.


alan said...

I am so sorry things fell apart this way...you both deserved better!

Hopefully things will brighten SOON!


Angeline Rose Larimer said...

I wish we could all sit on a beach and get smashed.
Or maybe just me and everybody else can do what helps them.

I was feeling so angry, and now I just feel part of an exclusive club of people whose lives are pulling them down, but hell. We'll be all right.
You can't take the Mom out of the Mom. Sometimes I worry when Tom gets mad that he doesn't love them as much as I do, and that ain't fair to think, but damn it's hard when you're wired like this to let people be angry with the ones you love, whether they deserve it or not.
Maybe it's all calmed down a bit and you're feeling better.
I'd surf for you if that was possible.
You have friends.
I'll leave it at that.

And that it's likely I'll be in Vegas early February. Not that you want to think about that now, but if there's a consolation trip that can be planned, I'll start pestering the gang...

*I don't have a cellphone. I'm totally feeling the animosity for the device these days, though.