
96 Hours about 7 days

Mrs. LK, and Little Kenny sent a care package of assorted sweetness to the home yesterday.


Not enough "Mahalo's" to go out to you both. Of course, my dentist, well, all our dentists, will be even more happy, too. I hear they are planning their summer homes, as of now.

I Keed, I keeed.

I be sending a appropo card back at ya, as soon as this next week from hell finishes up.

Yep. 96 hours minimum of work in the next 7 days.

I'm sooooooo excited.

Can you feel it?

Green with envy I bet, eh?

This too, shall pass.

"Pass out" More likely.

Shoots! - Aloha!

Did I mention you guys - R O C K? -

1 comment:

Little Kenny said...

Just a little sumpin'. :) Cheers crazy man.

I don't know how you survive all those crazy hours you work. I think I'd just fall over and die. I feel like such a wuss when I compare my measly workload to yours.
