
I sing the body electric


Here is the latest from as my BIL put it "your just shattered inside, arent ya?" ...


After a ton of Xrays, the good ol Doc found that my pericardial sack had some fluid around or in it. So, it was take more time off and rest. So that is what I (sorta) did. So that clears up to whatever degree of clearing up fluid that gathers around your heart means...The next set of Xrays (thank god I wont be having anymore kids, as my 'nads are fried by now anyway) shows that cleared up, but I still feel short of breath.

So the Doc sends me for a Cat Scan. So that I go and do.

But first... I go for blood work that shows that I possibly could have blood clots. Yay!, Blood Clots! So thats why the Doc asked for the Cat Scan.

Walking around for the next day wondering if somewhere in my body a farking palet or globual of red shit is gonna decide "Hey lets take a trip to the heart and see what happens"....Real fun.

I wont mention shit on shit that I shit you not I cant shitten believe.

So I go get a Furry Scan.

The Cat Scan goes fine, I guess, warm shit injected in a IV and make you feel like you pissed your pants, fun.

So the Doc calls about 5 hours after the Scan is done to say that the clotting is negligiable ( PHEW...) BUT....

"You seem to have MORE fractures then we saw on the XRays, as a matter of fact, you fractured ribs 2,3 & 4, but also 5 & 6. Not only the back side, but the front of them ALL as well, in numerous places"

Gee thats why it hurts.

"And it also showed that you fractured your sternum"

Any thing else?

"Dont forget your clavicle is fractured"

No, I dont think I will.


fineartist said...

Good Lord, you ever hear of doing ANYTHING half assed Mark?

Heh, I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at your pain, just the way you tell about your pain.

Jennifer said...

Craptastic, Mark!

Hopin' to heck you have a decent disability package. Not that you'd let a dozen fractures slow you down...

(Just thankin' sweet jesus you're heart's not full of big bad blood clots. I watch "House;" I know that's bad news!)

Honey P. Sunshine said...

a cat scan? purrrr, purrr, purrr....hope you are at home resting now

Little Kenny said...

honey p. I don't think the man knows "how" to be at home resting. Seriously. :)

Little Kenny said...

Heh, I stopped by again and man little Kaleo is sure one lucky, carefree little guy. Heh. I wish I could get away with that. :) No one else does though.

Angeline Rose Larimer said...

Oh, geeze. Poor you! Sounds like you need a body cast.
I hope you feel better soon, though I know life doesn't slow down and these breaks take time to heal.
I'm still hoping for a speedy recovery for you.

*Love the picture. Glad you've got some positive going on.

alan said...

So do you suppose this is why "Da Bull" quit taking on the big ones?
