
Hay is for horses, grass is for cows.


For all that it is worth; (which in these gosh darn, funnin' econonic times) ainta tad much over zip, for the life of meself cant rescue my ass from a hole in the ground.


Like I know.

Grandkiddo Kaleo walked in the bedroom the other morning ( which, since it has been muggy as hell) had the AC on (thereby depleting the ozone layer, my bank account and the federal reserve all in one fell swoop) and stated -

"It is cold in here"

Of course not being one to argue with a 2 year old who is obviously smarter than I, I immediately realized the ironic statement he had made.

Smart kid, that 1.

Economix conflagurations notwithstanding, the tourist industry in aloha - land has been damned to eternal hell by the Jerry Falwell of the tourist trade - high friggin' air fares

But - The Moana is head above the rest in being that the clientle are coming in droves from Europe, Aussie land and points where the $ VS. (whatever the damn currency that aint dinars) is.


The Pink hell re-opens in all its grandiose on January 20, 2009.

I'll be turning fifty.

I have not surfed in many days.

Thats it.

Aloha, stay warm.

Stay well.


Jennifer said...





Angeline Rose Larimer said...

Wish we could come help out with our tourism dollars.
It's gonna be a few years, though.

I've a cold I can't shake, and I'm starting to think it's the heater...which has been on for weeks now.
I'd so rather be hot than cold.
And muggy instead of dry.