For all that it is worth; (which in these gosh darn, funnin' econonic times) ainta tad much over zip, for the life of meself cant rescue my ass from a hole in the ground.
Like I know.
Grandkiddo Kaleo walked in the bedroom the other morning ( which, since it has been muggy as hell) had the AC on (thereby depleting the ozone layer, my bank account and the federal reserve all in one fell swoop) and stated -
"It is cold in here"
Of course not being one to argue with a 2 year old who is obviously smarter than I, I immediately realized the ironic statement he had made.
Smart kid, that 1.
Economix conflagurations notwithstanding, the tourist industry in aloha - land has been damned to eternal hell by the Jerry Falwell of the tourist trade - high friggin' air fares
But - The Moana is head above the rest in being that the clientle are coming in droves from Europe, Aussie land and points where the $ VS. (whatever the damn currency that aint dinars) is.
The Pink hell re-opens in all its grandiose on January 20, 2009.
I'll be turning fifty.
I have not surfed in many days.
Thats it.
Aloha, stay warm.
Stay well.
Wish we could come help out with our tourism dollars.
It's gonna be a few years, though.
I've a cold I can't shake, and I'm starting to think it's the heater...which has been on for weeks now.
I'd so rather be hot than cold.
And muggy instead of dry.
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