Actually called in sick at FIRE, which I never do since on Friday, doofus boy couldnt walk. cant/dont sleep either. Have to work at the Hotel since we have NO ONE that can work since 1 person is on vacation.
At least it will go away; not soon enuf, tho'.
*Three days recovery is for pansies.
Was this a work related injury?
Can't believe believe your ankle and the beaches are getting the swells at the same time! Perhaps you've soaked up too much ocean and are under tidal influence? (Na, that couldn't such thing as too much ocean!)
Heard on Weather Channel that Maui had declared a drought and how dry things are there; hope everything stays peaceful at Job #1 for you and the brave ones you share it with!
Aww, poor baby. You will be up and at 'em in no time. It was nice to hear from you.
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