
1 muffin, please.

We stopped at Barnes N Nobles one afternoon after school. You know how they have those display cases with all the goodies in their Cafe? Kaleo spootted it, and decided that he was hungry. Shoots.

"You want a Bagel, big guy?"


"Well lets see what they got, huh?"

The talker

So we traipse over to the small line that is at the counter, he decides to window shop at the display case. He sees something, and with the Barista right behind where he is looking, he goes (very politely, yet very sure, and loud not over loud, but loud-E-Nuf)

"I'd like 1 MUFFIN, Please!"

(with his index finger pointing straight to the sky)

I almost pee'd meself.

Then he changed his mind.

"No, I'd like 1 COOKIE please"

(again with the index finger straight... (to the moon, Alice)

We got our cookie, and a drink and consumed.

The next day he is playing with his Lego's and quietly building and destroying worlds.

Cathy walks by and hears him say -

"I'll have a beer"

I dont even say that.

A couple days later, I am in the queens shower, scrubbing the walls with cleaner and in general trying to not get high from the odors.

He walks up after getting home from school and says -

"Hi Papa! Whatcha doing? Getting rid of all the germs?"

I am at such a loss with this guy.

He was up at 0420 this AM, and thats why I am typing. He is sleeping now with is Grammie, and I am now off to FIRE.

I'd just like to last a while in his childhood, and make better the things in this world, so that love, honor and respect can flourish all the days of our Keiki's lives.

1 comment:

Little Kenny said...

Hah! Smart little trike motor. You in trouble gramps. More than normal. ;)
