
What you call blue.

Surfed the "Sino Wall" this AM. Good enuf for me. Fun waves, no waves of consequence (that is for you SK) Couple of worthwhile sets. Canoe paddler guy at first, then couple hours later, he comes by again. Stoked a comment my way. Made me think, and the rest of the day wasnt as bad as it coulda been. Did a bunch of thinking out in the H20 today. "Hows that you say?" "How can a man with no mind, think?" Ah humor at its finest. And you dont pay for it either. Well, maybe in a sense you DO.

All that thought'en worked me up into a real brain freeze. "Nothing left here but the burnt bearings from a previous owner, Ma!" (WTF with the hick accent, I dunno) Found the morning to be just as enjoyable as it always is for me.

But enough about me.

Lets talk about retarded In - Laws.

Oh, a realm you wont likely see again in print, cause these twerps are classic.

Bro-in-law #1 - Older than C, and by God he is heavier, too! ( Like 400 lbs of walking manhood, baby!!) He is in the business. We will leave that at that. No sense ruining his exsistence anymore than it is already. A lying, bullshiting, ( yeah, I know, same difference) money grubbing piece of art. No idea on what the word "reality" means. Went to the same HS as me. 1 year ahead. What a doofus. God, how hard it is when the whole fricking island knows what a moron ( my favorite word) I have as a relative. I ignore him at all costs. Hard to do when you block out the sun.

Bro-in-law #2 - Younger than C. Wears more make-up than her, too. Yes, the proud relative is a Gay, cross-dressing, hairdresser. Combine that wonderous combo with the fact that he is a Meth addict, ...Voila! He can suck dick, and spontaneously ignite your balls at the same time. Great at parties! Has a talent, (no, no, no!) but wastes his time getting high for days only to turn around and become a real asshole after the "crash". You know how hot looking girls love hairdressing gays? We have a winner here folks! He has more either real good looking ones calling him up, or ones with big $$, than Freddie Mercury has cum stains on his bed. (Sorry Queen fans, I know, he is dead.) Probably has made more $ than I in this life time, (have you ever seen how much these guys charge for a bullshit hair-do?, and they tell the client so much frivilous crap, it amazes) but wastes it all on drugs. Lives outta mind, outta sight, down in the "rainbow" section of town. Actually argues with my daughter over ... girl shit. Weird.

Sis-in-law #1 - Younger again than C. Meth addict, but the fatteset mo'fo meth head you will ever see. Probably more ignorant than a rock. A real rock, that is. Homeless. Sad. But not so friggin sad that I have pity. Tried to, got ripped off. Husband is in jail, lost her kids to CPS, ah the list goes on and on. Waste of time to drag on about it.

And the final entry to this hall of horror - Sis -in-law#2 (actually could be 2 & 3, she is so fucking huge, and so psychotic, there has to be 2 of her) This is the creme brulee of the crew. Pathological, I do mean pathological, liar. Lies about anything and everything. All the time. I mean, stuff You Know she knows you know she is bullshitting. All without batting an eye. A non-stop, yakker. The most revolting tone of voice, kind of a cross between a Cali Valley girl, and chalk-board nails. Her husband, fine doofus that he is, is just as lame as her. He believes her bullshit. More fucking morons.

And these have kids, too. That'll be another gem of a post.

Guess that is enuf of a rant, more positive, maybe, later.


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