
Surfing, Blood, and Freedom.

Every now and again, the stars align, and my brain says BZZZZT. Then I go surfing.

So after the stars aligned, and my brain went on the fritz, I went.

thank god/goddess I did.

Screw the torn ligamnets, screw the work load, screw the factor of 2 many queens in a small house.

So screw it, I went surf.

And surf was a refresher course in whats good, and whats OK. And why I think more now, and less at the same time.

Confused? Sure. but when it all comes down to it, there is something that is lifegiving, something indescribable about the water.

The water does more than any religion can.

It refreshes my soul and my heart.

It takes the everyday and shines a bright light on the fact of how blessed I am.

And it reminds me that I am part and parcel of many things that I may or may not understand.

And I paddle for yet another wave.

Saltwater dreams.





Anne said...

oh man.
you lucky man.
we have been perusing lots of properties on craig's list.
the only affordable stuff is in puna.
that would suffuce, believe me. every post you make about your home just moves me toward the eventual goal of paradise.

Angeline Rose Larimer said...

I'd love to come out some time, too. Got any group rates for blog pals? Got this image in my head of you showing Jack how to surf. I'd give it a go, too. You make it sound so much more than just proving to oneself one can balance on a board.

Thanks for sharing the happiness.
I hope our paths cross someday.
I also have this image that your optimism rubs off on people

alan said...

Tears of happiness for you my friend- so glad you got to go in spite of your injuries!

When I came out of work last night it was 9 above with a 30 mph wind...


Thinking of you!


Rain said...

It is a spiritual time for you. I understand and look for an equivalent in my life.