
Free Bitching! (ode to over-paid Pro-Bowlers)

The NFL is in town. They likey high priced hotels. Most are OK. Some are not.

- You make a hell of a lotta money playing a game.

Tip, assholes.

- You have fans.

Sign, assholes.

- The world does not revolve around you.

Hard to believe, I know, but deal with it.

- Yes, shits expensive here.

Why the fuck you think I work 2 jobs?

- No, you are not automatically the first in line.

Where were you in 1st grade?

- Yes, by god, it is raining.

Did you even watch the fucking superbowl? No, I guess you was chilling at youse crib. And no, I cant change the fucking weather.

- The grass shacks went out with the monarchy.

Why the fuck do they always ask that shit?

- 6 foot tweleve does not mean shit if you have no class.

Please review the "first in line" bitch.

- Yes, all rental cars are obvious.

Even the friking Hummers, fools.

- There is a lotta good you could do.

Blasting gangster rap/country tunes from a rental @ 11PM isnt one of them.

I feel much better now.



*BTW, real men who played the greatest game ever invented, folded up their helmets, and stuck 'em in the back pocket.

My attitude will be better, soon.

- Oh, and one more bitch - To the companies that bring the "special incentive" people here for the Pro Bowl; drunk, obnoxious isnt gonna make me buy your product.

Fo' real.

OK, I am done.

You may resume normal activities.

Aloha, once again.


Little Kenny said...



alan said...

Maybe those volcanoes have a use after all?



Jennifer said...

I hate to even try to imagine the shyte you've put up with from the NFL. As a lowly college student trying to earn her beer & pizza money, I worked the Wolverines' training table in South Quad 1980 - 1984. There was ONE gentleman on the entire team -- that is ONE young man who didn't wear his sense of ENTITLEMENT like a suit of electrified armor. He was a second stringer, and a genuinely nice guy who coached my ladies intramural football team. He had class and style and manners up the wazoo, and he was just a poor scholarship jock who knew he was going to need more than football to get ahead in the world. Adored that guy.

Prepping the players' better than standard meals and cleaning up their worse than swine messes and SEEING the crap they pulled and knowing the stuff (cars, women, drugs, cash, whatever) they took advantage of when they thought nobody was looking or that those who were obviously looking wouldn't be telling -- well, it just stank up the program. I cashed in my tickets, stopped going to their games by sophomore year. Pretty much lost my taste for all sports beyond the high school level -- although, Saturday's University of Memphis Tigers VS the Tulane Green Wave was as fun a basketball game I've attended in a while. Not sure I'd be able to say that if I had had to prep their dinner, serve it, or clean up after it, though. In general, people do seem to be more mannerly in the south, but the athletes staying at the Peabody were kind of surly. Not full-on rude, mind you; just maybe kind of too pre-occupied with the game to consider smiling? Their loss; not mine.

It all just leaves me wondering:

Are the second stringers nice because the know they have to be in order to keep their options open after graduation, or is their niceness what gets in the way of their being drafted by the pros?

Whatever the case, life is short and I don't have time for people who treat me like a doormat, nor am I inclined to dole out the big bucks to see them play in person, nor am I going to spend my time in front of the TV watching them play.

I believe there was a time when sports were purer and being an athlete was more honorable. I would have liked to have been there to witness it.