

Wet chemicals can ignite under the right circumstances
or conditions.
Wishing you we here


Never mind.


alan said...

OK, that you started that with PlayDoh worries me a bit...


Little Kenny said...

Hang in there amigo. Hang in there.

Anne said...

the fact that you too have a 15 year old woman-child has not escaped me.

am wondering if that fact has contributed to your sadness, because i do know how things get, sometimes.

in fact, it was a pretty rough weekend around the shack-emotional upheaval runs rampant. thinking of you and yours & sending good thoughts.

Angeline Rose Larimer said...

Missed it.

Just tell me PlayDoh isn't flammable under any conditions and I will go about my business, confident you've worked through the torrential whatevers (fill in multiple blanks supplied by life).

Don't I wish we were there!