When yours truly was a small wharf rat, I was often told of the 'ants in my pants'. Apparently, I had become infested with scurrying, by the millions, ants. I never noticed, as I was too busy moving at 1000 MPH; fueled by nothing more than immediate
enthusiasm, and reckless abandon. Its like if you pushed the 'FF' button on your VCR or tape player, 24/7. Not only did I not ever get bitten by these hordes of ants, but in reality, they became my close friends. They must have, because they never bothered me much.
Being the only male, grandson, only child,
didn't make me any
calmer, for sure. My Tutu
wahine spoiled me to no end. I
didn't even have to whine, ever.
Spoiled little shit, I was. Alas, I was going too fast to ever notice that I was a little shit. Fast is just the speed; not the reaction. 'Cause I was, and still am, slow in seeing what is laying right in front of me. Imagine all the times someone said ... 'Look out!'...And you can draw a imaginary film of me turning to whomever said it, and
careening, head long into the wall I was to
look out for.
Burning ones
metabolism at 300 degrees
Fahrenheit tends to use up the individual fuel cells that are
allotted ones person. It is a easy re-fuel, just some bread and water, some sugary beverage, and off go the turbo-chargers again.
But in not seeing what truly
affronts ones self can be a
hindrance to acceleration.
All needed is a stable, well built and cared for, platform.
"On this rock, I will build my church" was said, and with that, centuries of battles have been fought over what church the rock supports.
Quick of soul, fiery in belief,
shouldn't damage the stability of ones union, should it?
Responsibility - acting in what is best for the whole, is a cornerstone to stability.
Keep asking now of myself, is my fire extinguished?