
Is There Anybody Out There?

Aloha. I know, I know, what the hell tho' I will state the obvious. Does anyone actually READ this drivel? Whatever if the answer is no. I'd like to think so. But so what if not. I guess in the past rants and stokes, I have neglected to perhaps ignore stating a bit o' history for anyone who needs to know more.

Anyhow - Away we go : 46, Firefighter, Dad to 3 - 23 y/o that tries to right really hard, but gets distracted with the pleasure syndrome of partying. Oldest male, he tries to be a hoodlum, but has a beautiful heart. 21 y/o - That is the mellowest soul with the greatest attitude on the planet. Very solid youth. Trustworthy, dependable, mechanically inclined to tear apart every motor known to man. Good kid. Second boy. 13 y/o Daughter. Apple of my eye. Distracted to say the least, proud owner of ADHD, and proves it. Energetic, lover of animals and life. Goes a thousand MPH. All the time. Good crew, albeit a bit on the Dysfunctional side most of the time. Married to my childhood sweetheart for the past 24 years. Have been with her since October 25, 1973. Long fucking time. Would die for her, and she does drive me outta my mind with her own brand of insanity. Makes life miserable, at the same time lets me be her knight in shining armour.

Work at the firehouse 24 hour shifts for 10 to 11 days a month. Pay is OK, but not enough. Being a professional in Hawaii, it sucks, plain and simple. Soooooo, work part time at the "Pink Palace" hotel for the past 23 years. Plainly - I work for morons, deal with morons, and hate, absolutely hate, tourists that are ignorant. Jaded to a "T" with fools here on vacation. Not all, but the percentage is ridicoulous. My attitude on them sucks I know, but when We visit somewhere, we try to show class, and most of the ones that come here are, well, Fools.

Surfer. Surf as much as I humanly can when ever I have the time. Mornings before work, or when the swell hits, calling in sick. Definitely addicted. Not a poser. Although the "lifestyle" aspect of surfing is now a popular mode, true addicts live with threadbare boardshorts, dinged up boards, and less is more views. Would rather surf a lonely break than fight crowds at better spots. Truly the gift of God to be in the ocean. Only thing in this world that I can say makes me feel worthy of God's love. Majesty in the water. Stoked on the fact that I am healthy enough, in shape enough, to particiapte in the sport. Feel like the most blessed soul alive when surfing.

But with that, comes flat spells, time constraints, and demands of responsiblity. Juggling act times 10. Seems to work out most of the time, but lately, not as much as my soul needs.

Tend to be a bit Manic/Depressive. Highs are high, Lows not toooo low, but surly do feel them. I self medicate with Beer, no drugs, but mediation or time alone heals most of the time.

Love to go to Las Vegas. Not the addict gambler, but do love to play craps. Only been there 3 times. But caught on to dice setting and learned it pays to play smart at the tables. Nice break from dealing with the dead, and fires. Possibly the only younger guy at the tables full of oldsters in downtown Vegas. Would rather play with the old crowd than loud borish punks or yuppies. They older they are the more tales they tell.

Enjoy good books, movies and my family. Surfing is # 2 next to them, but closing in fast on the bad days.

End of history.


Jennifer said...

I found your blog through a comment you left with the Gas Guy. Been reading you since 8:00am -- that makes 2 1/2 hours of quality reading.

Just got to the part where you finally offer the background info, the post before you ask whether anyone reads.

Well, I read more than I comment; I think most folks do.

I like your blog - well rounded with the real grit, the ups and downs of daily life in a place far different from where I live. I also enjoy your casual writing style. My style is a bit more "up-tight." Mom was an English teacher. But what I like about your style most is the occasional inclusion of some pigin & Hawaiian vocab. Makes it flavorful, if you know what I mean. "Small kine wave," that sort of phrase. It's just fun to read.

What kept me reading though, aside from the writing itself, are the commonalities: I live in a tourist town, and I'm lucky enough to travel a fair amount, but only once to Maui. I've got 2 kids on the brink of adulthood, and two on the brink of junior high. I've got a bitchin' uterus I'm trying to decide what to do about -- feel for both you and "C" in that regard. If she can find it, she might try a supplement called Equi-Fem. Really evens out my moods, just have to remember to take it.

Anyway, fine blog. I'll be looking for up-dates.

Little Kenny said...

Yup there are others out here who have read what you put down and appreciated it enough to be compelled to answer.

As with Blogzilla above I have just reached June 4, 2005 and felt a response was in order.

Mahalo and aloha.