
Hotel Propaganda Class

Was supposed to go to part 9,768 of the pinks propaganda fest. 4 hours of blithering idiots trying to persuade yours truly into - "branding starwood" as a daily occurence (like taking a shit) in my routine life.


Like a good dweeb, I skipped class today.

Took Mai to school. Hung out with KJ and Lady C and Aunty R and Me-shell. Went to Costco. Went to City Mill.

Reapired a ding on a board that i have put off for too long.

I really, really like the smell of Resin and Fiberglass. Its kinda refreshing to me. Not to mention, a mild hallucinogenic. ( I'm KIDDING, OK?)

Back to the propaganda at hand. I couldnt see sitting thru another (yes, this was supposed to be Pt 5 & 6) and I could not for the life of me, nor the being paid for it factor, go to it.

So the revolution will be televised.

Kj helped clean yard, and fix ding in the board, and create general havoc. We have a leader for the revolution.

But I am sitting here at the damn pink for no reason other than I have to.

24 tomorrow.

Little Kenny - it hashes out "Love is a cleansing dew"...more or less.


(yeah, still.................Aloha.)


alan said...

Should you be shaping instead of hanging out at the pink?

Love to be the photog for this revolution!

I've been through a bunch of classes like that through the years at GM. Way back when there was one instructor who "got it". About once an hour he would call a break for 10 or 15 minutes, saying-

"The mind can only learn as much as the ass can absorb"!


Cold River Marketing Blog said...

Good decision. Time well spent. It's good to read your blog again, I ahve been away too long. I will try not to be such a stranger. Here's to offshore breezes and clean lines!