
Home -"improvement", KJ style.

Had to sit thru 4 hours of Hotel propaganda. During a break, Michelle calls to say the water isnt working.


Call Firecom to see if maybe a water main break was affecting service in our area.


Called Board Of Water Supply, Honolulu, see if had problems in our area.


Stumped, I asked Michelle to see if the closest spigot was working near the connection to the city main by the road.

Not working.

Right next to that spigot is a water valve that shuts-off the water supply to our home.

A certain little chap was playing with it earlier, Michelle says.

Me- "is it in-line with the pipes, or perpindicular?"

Michelle- "its perpindicular to the pipe"

Seems Mr Homeimprovement had turmed the valve to the "off" position earlier.

Kolohe, this keiki is, I tell ya.



Sandy said...

Hey at least you figured it out before you had to pay someone to come fix it or something! haha
Yup, KJ's gonna keep y'all busy if he's already starting these kinds of things. Keep those electrical outlets plugged!

alan said...

Mine looks just like a faucet handle in the front corner of the basement...glad my boys never found it!

I think you might have a handful there!


Angeline Rose Larimer said...

Sounds like you've got a little conservationist in the family.

Reminded me of an Eight is Enough episode, when Nicolas was put in charge of making sure water was conserved in the house. He'd stand outside the bathroom with a stop watch, then go turn the water off if an older sister took a shower that lasted longer than three minutes.

KJ's a lot cuter than that kid.