
Storms, earthquakes, and Dad to O'ahu for heart stuffs

Like the plate aint full enough...Dad and Momhawaiianmark are on the aeroplane for O'ahu right now for heart stuffs for Dad tomorrow AM.

Kisses and Honihoni me
Kaleo & Kiana

At least the troops will be here for the Big Kahuna......



Anne said...

glaf flossie mellowed out, for all concerned. the earthquakes were felt, but handled. and lots of rain fall and wind, but everyone's ok in papaikou.

Anne said...

glaf! (glad) :)

alan said...

May all the news be good news...


Little Kenny said...

You know I'm thinking and sending good thoughts your way. Be safe amigo.

Angeline Rose Larimer said...

sending all our good thoughts, too.

beautiful shots of the kids!

beckyboop said...

What beautiful babies!

I was thinking about ya when I saw "Flossie" on the news.

Stay dry and safe!
