You would think that the rain god, goddess, cloud soaker, or whomever...Would have had his/her/its bloody fill of this stuff already. Ok, ark building jokes aside, Noah, animals 2X2, etc. I have soaked and lushed my way thru the past 40, yes...FORTEEEEEEEEE mother fraggin days.
Breathe in, breathe out. (which I would do, but see there is a this water in my face.) Hooo boy.
The mountains will be greener than a babys doots on spinach, and the summer will come, and be browner than....brown. nad brush fires will go nuts, and the heat will be my next complaint....and the surf will suck, (except for Moms Day, 'cause garrans we will get a swell.
Ok, Pau (finished)
Gotta work, anywhoose.
Stoked?, stay stoked.
If not, find something to be stoked about.
Words of wisdom from one wise ass.
trying hard to stay stoked, yep.
we beat the rain in march record out here. last time it rained as much was 1904. yikes.
hey, my pal from tahiti that is visiting cali knows someone you work as a fire dude with, as she has spent plenty of time in your region. isn't that something? more on that later.
40 days!?!
Aw, well. You'll be in the desert soon, right? Give ya a chance to dry out and get used to the heat?
I think we got some of your rain yesterday evening. It might have taken 39 days to get here, but it was impressive. Hoping for flowers, soon. The grass now needs mowed. Yay.
Too much rain for you, not enough for my boys! They asked me to take them sliding down the hills but it was dried up already
good advice :)
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