Someone wont be needing swim fins...
Another day of fun and jocularity at Hotelheckage, Thursday feast-o-rama for the vistors proved to be entertaining at best.
"Picking up 6 tickets for Manning, comped per *****"
Stoogeme - "Manning?...We dont seem to have that reservation, could it possibly be under another name?"
"Hmmpf. That is the only name she knows me by"
2nd in party - "maybe Scott? She could have thought Scott was coming"
Large, Overdressed, self-important, way too much hefty cleveage-showing, concierge from another bastion of touristy venue - "Oh no...She only knows me...It has to be there, she reserved them under my name"
Stoogeme- (she coulda put the fricking Arizona Memorial under you dear)..."May I suggest you see Mr. *******? He is the manager on duty right now for this event, he can assist you in a remedy...
Really begining to block out the sun, flagrantly self-absorbed, moronic, fool - "Dont you have ****** *****'s cell number? She should be called right now"
Stoogeme - (WTF I look like a phone book?) "I am sorry Mam, but we dont have access to personal executives cell numbers, if you would step into the office behind me (motions to the "private office" door to the rear) Mr. ****** should be there, and he willgladly assist you"
Flat out, dumb biotch - " Hmmpf...(and takes her party of 6 with her)
Stoogeme- (3 minutes later, while I an my partner are issuing tickets and voucher collecting from other paying customers)
Female becoming more and more closer to God by her incessant self-serving ways - "...Excuse me, he is not there"
Stoogeme- "Mam, I will be with you in a moment"
Idiot- (tapping a size 12 shoe, and juggling way too much flesh for anyone to own) - "excuse me...he is not there"
Stoogeme - (inhale, inhale, breathe, do not release the comment of hell muse) "Ma-DAM, You see that gemtleman in the white shirt? the one walking this way? He is a manager, and he will take you by the hand to Mr. *******, would you please see him along with the rest of your party, so I may service the other 400 people that are standing in this line?.....Mahalo for your kokua"
Pus-faced fool - (trit trot, trit trot; off to see someone of her own low stature)
Other than this clueless dweeb all the paying customers were pretty cool, even the Shiek and his 14 member family came, and he had a bunch a cute Keiki w/ him just plain mid eatern dolls.
Kaleo James would kicked her with a big paw, I am sure.
Wheres my Grandkid backing me up when I need 'em?
Be good,
Be better than good.
I like that, be good, be better than good, shine that is extremely fridge worthy.
love those baby feets.
baby feet make me go all skwooshy inside :-)
I love baby feet too.
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