
Mrs. Moore wants an extra shot

Mrs. Moore wants and extra shot of vodka in her drink.

She sure does. She wants it, damn it, and she wants it now. Actually, I think she wanted it when she got off the frickin' plane. Perhaps even on the plane, she may have needed even more than a shot. Yeah, she wants that shot of vodka. She is Mrs. Moore, afterall, and she wants her extra shot, because her drink isnt stiff enough for her. Mr. Moore probably isnt, either, for that matter. She is a work, too. All culture and pearls, and high nines on the expense account I am sure. Nanny is watching the kids that ruined her figure, and gave her that little extra weight that she has been trying to rid herself of. Mrs. Moore is pissed. She has a right to be pissed, dont 'cha know? Flying to this god-forsaken island of no-wheres, and being expected by Mr. Moore to endure this ravishing humidity! That shot extra isnt too much to ask for one so maligned? Yes. I will have that extra shot. Even if I have to embarass the shit outta the whole restaurant with my childish behavoir. Screw the other people that have spent their hard earned money to grasp a piece of paradise. I want my godamn extra shot in this weak kneed drink now!

She got it. Decked in finery and jewels, jewels to be misplaced and lost; blame the maid for steling them! I wasnt that drunk! If the shot woulda been in my first fricking drink, I wouldnt have had to make such a scene. The night would have been splendid! Even the gay waiters would have swooned at my impeccable taste and style. Those groveling managers would have ached to have access to my praise. They could have had my kudos.

But they got her wrath. The venom spewed in a thousand other arenas of dining; maybe even in the churches of her own hometown, if she so attends. I doubt it. Work of art, this one. you can only conjur up scenes this wonder has created in her demented drama-driven alcohol fueled rages. Or lack of. She needed that extra shot, damn it.

Shot that made the difference - One shot of Skyy. One mother frickin' shot.

You gotta wonder of people; what makes 'em tick? Timely comments of desire can reap hordes of freebies, service, extras. Just a plain old request, calmly made can gain what you want.

Why throw a fit?

I mean a fit worthy of a 3 year old? In public, in the spotlight of a crowded restaurant?

$6.95 worth of liquor, harbored in a bottle nightly, is your wish.

Damn if I know what posess' some folk - ???

It sure made the night interesting.

Go figure, just more fun happenings at the Jobbo #2.

Wonder what it'd be like to have 3 jobs?

Weekend awaits; Mrs. Moore, it oughta be a long drawn and quartered one

See ya.



fineartist said...

I'd feel sorry for Mrs. Moore,
if she wasn't such an a$$hole.

Jennifer said...

If you didn't dump half a bottle of Colchicine into her second cocktail, you are a true gentleman.Every good lush knows that Skyy is all about the pretty blue bottle. The truly classy order Smirnoff, and they always say the magic words: make that a double. I mean, please and thank you!

Mrs Moore or Mrs MORE? Sheesh!