
Strange bedfellows

You can cick the link to read some history of the family that come to Hoteheckage yearly.

Bahrain probably is a interesting place to live.

They take up numerous floors, as the whole tribe comes. (i mean no insult by that)

They tip well.

They got some strange ways. (Perrier baths, Lobster and Caviar for breakfast, etc...)

They run up one MOFO of a bill. (2 years ago, it 780K, no shit.)

This should be fun.


1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Perrier baths? Is that in a tub filled entirely with Perrier, or do they dilute it with tap water?

Do they require a wedge of lemon as well?

Imagine the good things we could accomplish with that kind of dough...unbelievable!

And what's 15 - 20% of 780k?!