
Outta Context

Once in a while, you run onto people that just make you go, Huh?

When i was in college at the harvard of the midwest, (yes da Hawaiian did leave the islands, only for a grey, flat island) nuff hints. There was a charecter named Magoo. He was blind as a bat. ( Ah the name, boss, the name) But he could with amazing accuracy, throw a frisbee. No iwasnt stoned all the time, and yes he could peg a throw like nobodys business.

But, fuck that, I was meaning in the firehouse.

The Chongy incident.


On my prevoius truck, we had a boy, (yes, boy) who was the epitomy of paranoia. Everyone was infected, Ecery chemical kills, Air is bad, Food, is bad. Friggin nuts.

Now, it isnt so bad that you take precautions, but if it inhibits your ability to do the job, what good are you? Of course the departments guidelines are that you take proper PPE's - )personal protection la do da's) Of course, you attempt to do this, but sometimes....shit happens. you cant be responding to a alarm, and be set and dressed all the time. Shit happens. People puke, croak, and expel bodily fluids that are meant to be inside, all the time. But you TRY to be careful.

Some, tho' take it as religion.

Enter - Chongy. I cant be too specific, but his claim to fame is that at 30, he is a virgin. I mean, dear God, he has got to be packing a load like no one has ever seen. On top of the fact, is he says he dont jerk-off. So of course, he gets MAJOR shit. But he takes it. he has his point, and by shit, he sticks to it.

But then there was THE alarm.

We went to the scene, and it is a half-way house for women coming out of prison. So, as usual, Chongy dresses in full regalia. He has - Goggles, full turnouts, gloves, mask, and Dr's operating gown. I mean this is over kill. I got gloves, my sense of humor, and sleep in my eyes, 'cause it is 430AM. So we go to the paitient. 40+, overweight, complaing of being non-responsive by the satff of the home. So I start speaking with her. Asking a few questions, getting her to speak, but the whole time, she is faced away from me, and Chongy. Finally she turns around, and sees him. She asks - "why the hell is there a Dcotor here?" Unfortunately for Chongy, he tells her that he is with the firedepartment. and wew are just here to help. So I inject that yes, we are here to help, but we all dont overdress.


Oh yes, she took that fact, and RAN. She looks Chongy up and down, she sizes him up. Now I know, this lady is a street wise, coniver.

I was right.

She is answering all my questions, and the MICT's walk in, along with the police, and assorted uniformed.

And she unloads this - right at Chongy, while it was fairly quiet, in a loud booming voice -

" You know, there is a couple of mahu's (pre-op transexuals) in here that would love to fuck you in the ass"

I think everyone there peed their pants.

I cant look at him with out just friggin chuckling, over and over, to myself.

Ah life.


1 comment:

spankmewithaspoon said...

I LOVE your stories!