It is raining, and my roofs got a hole in it and I might drown.
I said - "My roofs got a hole in it and I might drown"
Ah yes, songs from small kid time.
My roof does have a hole, tho'.
A couple of 'em. One over the stove. Another by the lua (toilet).
I found that this morning, while prepping numero two. Nothing like water on the back of your head, first thing in the AM. So tarps up, young stallion! In the rain! With the wind howling! Yahoo! (as Lady C would say - "yes, You ARE...") 8 AM and I am soaked. Never mind that in the past 2 weeks, I have had the roofer dudes come by a estimate from 3K to 8K to re-roof. Yesterday, my bro from the firehouse was suppose to come by, but never showed, maybe tomorrow, when I am submerged. His 2nd job is running a roofing company, so maybe a deal, who knows?
Until then, bucket brigade.....aten-hut! Make that numerous pots and pans brigade.
Lady C wants to put new doors on the upstairs remodel to do list.
My list was () this close to pau (finished). More paper needed for list, I say!
No more 6 hour shifts at Hotel de pink-o-hell-hole!!
Now they are *8*........!!!!!
And my cell rang at noon, my Chief needs to meet with me about some "complaint" made by a caller...........
I cant imagine who they mean............Not that I know who.....But he will be there face the tunes....with a lyric like -
"My roofs got a hole in it, and I might drown..."
I am going down smiling, for sure. Something for the 'permanent record'.
*means it...this time*
interesting blog!
HM- Are your comments working properly? I clicked on the comments after the post about the Permanent Record, and I got a down for maintenance notice, but this one works. Weird.
Anyway. Maybe what will happen is that when the honcho finally makes his way to the pearly gates with his stacks and stacks of Permanent Records to show the Man and St. Pete how good he was on Earth by showing how naughty everyone else was, St. Pete is gonna put his arm around the honcho's shoulder and say, "Dude, you just don't get it, and you're not alone, and that is a very sad thing. Over two thousand years ago Jesus got sent to teach you all not to keep score, but to forgive, and you all keep failing miserably." And then the Man is going to step up and say, "You know, Pete's right. And it all started when the churches decided to take Jesus's teachings and twist them in order to control the masses for their own greed and power. Pretty soon you got all these preachers yapping on and on about sin twenty-four-seven, but the whole forgiveness thing gets too little air time, and that just ain't right." And then Pete's going to say, "We don't need no stinking Permanent Records, and you can't come to Heaven, you gotta go back to Earth for as long as it takes to straighten out the masses on the forgiveness thing." And the Man's gonna say, "Damn straight. Go teach the world to forgive, and then you can come to Heaven."
And the honcho is going to have a tough job ahead of him, because our whole society operates on keeping score, not on forgiving.
Just 'cause you blew your stack over a language barrier doesn't make you a bad guy. It just makes you human.
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