
Water everywhere, none to surf....Doesn't that suck?

So,.....Wait.....lemme get....this....water...outta my ears. And this.....towel...unwrapped...from my head.....along with...waking up would be nice.....what the?......where on earth?......Oh damn, never mind......$*%@#....

Ok, now that that is over, maybe the empty space inside my noggin will fill with something besides 'air'....Back at the pinkness that is the Hotel De hostel de demantia. That fun notwithstanding, I got a whole hour of moi-moi (sleep) time in the Alarm Bureau last shift. Call the whine wagon, I know, shut the trap on the whining already, HM.

And that door is closed. We had a ton'o rain on the islands last night. Which means, for this surf-rat turned old fart, that the 911 lines decided to go lalapalooza on cue. Bizarness (is that even a friggin word?) ensues. Did all the dispatching on the radio from 630AM till Midnight-and-a half. That is always fun. I always try to throw a pidgin english slang in once in a while. Ah Yes! Professionalism at its finest! Slyly enter the pharse so the prying ears of the higher-ups dont have MORE to put in the ol' HM "permanent record". No one seemed to notice, so until the order to prostrate myself in front of the lords of enforcement, I, dear reader, reign.

So I get my hand slapped for "not treating the public in a professional manner" from the previous posts fun.

"FF2 M - you are found in violation of subsection B, of the code of conduct section #3.25746, of the HFFA memo of argeement, title 2.3, in conjunction with"......(you probably get the picture, yeah?) ....Which of course ends with - ......."on your permanent record, on file"

For crying out loud, I am 46 thousand years old, and that damn RECORD has been being held over my head for EVER! Isnt there a statue of limitations on that shit? How about an Ombudsman that I can file a complaint with?

"Uh, yes, I'd like to file a complaint,... seems like this dark entity of judgement...has been holding my free-swinging soul hosatge for like, FOREVER, with this psudeo-guilt trip called 'the permanent record' " "And I would like to take a hard-on, ...oops, long hard look at this file, myself"...."What do you mean it is classified?" .... "No, I dont have a warrant, ...no I dont have legal counsel,....I JUST WANT THE DAMN THING TO READ, so i can see what a screw-up the legions of those in control think i am!!!!!!"........

I can just see me in front of God & Saint Peter now.

G & SP - " well now, looks like you lived a good life, some minor infractions here and there"

HM - " why thank you, lord, and my St. Pete, you do look great in those Armani wings, I might add"

G & SP - " there is this ONE thing we noticed..."

HM - " anything, please, I would like to explain, if could..."

G & SP - " it seems this permanent record thing...."

HM - " .... Oh, THAT...., you know, they still dont have anyone down on earth that we can ask about that, you know...."

G & SP - " we have been meaning to look into that glitch, for like, forever, seems the facilities maintenance guys wont touch it..."

HM - "maybe I should just borrow and air-conditioner now..."

Nightmares, thats what I have. Nightmares.

Still smiling, tho'


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