
Day - In - Day - Out

So, another few days go by and what else is new? Had a Hazmat incident with the firehouse job yesterday, chemical release that injured a bunch of car-rental folks' eyes and sinus'. Ended up being unable to discern what the product was that caused the irritation. Our Hazmat crew is very good, and they did the best they could with what we had to go by.
During the same alarm, some morons (my favorite kind of human) lit a hibachi on the lani of a apartment building. So intrested neighbors called that the building to the rear of our scene was on fire. Had to go see that morons were cooking on the lani. Cant do that in Honolulu. Fools.
So another long day drew to a close with more or less no new improvements in life in general.

What else to say? Drawing blanks. Kinda goes to show that my mind is fried, overloaded, and pretty much a mass of jell-o. Finding new a intresting sites to read on the 'net. mostly EMT/Fire related stuff to try to improve my own personal learning. Still incredibly tired.

No surf of late so that part sucks for sure.

Maybe be a swell later this week checking the buoys and reports from the hotel job tonight, and hope to get wet for something worthwhile soon. 'Cause not being able to surf sucks.

Reading waiterrant on blogger, intresting read. Real life waitering BS by a real life waiter!!!! Been dealing with that form of life at the hotel for 23 years, and here they are less than impressive with their intellectual prowess.

But - waiterrant seems to be intelligent, quick witted and observant. His impressions of waiters/help that do drugs fits this place to a T. Seen all that and more.

Aloha for now.

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