
More Fun In Paradise

Looks like I will be getting done here at the "Pink Palace" in a bit. Friggin busy in the restaurant tonight.

Ever wonder what happens at a fine dining restaurant when you act like an asshole and return food to the kitchen, stiff the waithelp, and in general, play the fool?

Well, first of all, your food gets fucked with , seriously fucked with. Everything from Cum to Scabs has been put in dishes here. So order right, or eat and forget it. Or be ignorant actors like the Canadians, or Aussies. Act like you dont know what "tip" is. Then your credit card gets fucked with.

Me, I eat at home. Cook it, clean it, all myself. Fuck letting anyone else do it. They might piss in your soup for all you know. High prices dont mean shit. The higher the price, the MORE you get fucked with if your an ass. Believe me, I been watching this go on here for 20 + years. Ever feel "extra" buzzed from that cocktail? You dont want to know what was in it. Drug use amongst waiters & waitress' is rampant. Seen 'ludes to speed put in offending customers drinks. Watched old farts pass out leaving the table to try to get to a room.

People suck, in general. Better off in the water.


1 comment:

Gimme a sign said...

"Canadians" who don't tip could be Americans posing as Canadians (the way they do when they travel in Europe), not realizing that Hawaii is part of their very own country.