
Sunday Surf Session

Sunday Morning Coffee

It is not that I am complaining, but the damn hotel is packed. Surfire $$$$ for the hotel, and the waiters are happy. Most are, 'cept the ones that are getting stiffed, of course, they are bit P O'd. Nothing like paying tax on something you didnt earn.

On the flip-side, I dont see many of them quitting, either.


And then you gots working @ firecom, tomorrow, for 24.


But that is all good.


All good? - Pshaw, I say!


Garrans the sun comes up tomorrow, tho' and I will strive to see that as a good sign.


Aloha, and argggh!

(mostly, Aloha, 'tho)


Mags said...

I read a Snapple cap today and thought of you Mark...it said:

Do you know that Hawaii is the only place there is 1 school district.

Or something like that.

Is that true?

Anne said...

the man and i get to visit the big island in sept., and stay at his folks place, hilo side.
we haven't had a great break like that in a while. can't wait, and it will be 10 days to 2 weeks. aaahhhhh.

have a cool week.

Jennifer said...

Wait -- waitstaff has to pay taxes on lack of tips??? How confused am I?