
Treading Water In Neutral

"You're a dumb one, arent you?"

Not the most endearing comment to get from a 911 caller @ 110AM in the morning, eh? But then again, we dont get paid to be consoling souls to the mentally deranged. Maybe we should. After a long day - One guy crushed by a bus, A fully involved house fire, numerous demands by those 'upstairs' to get call taking to dispatching in under 1 minute, and assorted shitskis, that comment could make ya snap-ola.

But my partner through the night did not. And we got a real laugh outta listening to a moron go on and on about what fools we are; all the while listening to him go from full-on rage, to 'our bestest friend' mode in the conversation. Sometimes it is like that; you get a long day that instantly turns into a guffaw-fest. At least it was no real emergency (can you say tooooooooooooo many adult beverages? The caller should have) Anyhows, it led to more spirited conversation by me on the next call, a cell call from a 'concerned citizen'(idiot) which went like this -

What is the emergency?

"There is a branch burning in the middle of the road" (it is 120AM, mind you)

Where? (cells have no address varification)

"Um, I just passed, passed, you know the road that goes from Ko Olina to that place, um....by the.....um, old military thing?"

Where? What road are you on now?

"UM, On Fort Weaver"

That isnt by Ko Olina, where was the branch burning?

"On the road"

That much I gathered, but is it by where you are now, on Ft. Weaver Road?

"No, thats where my house is"

Ok, where were you NEAR when you saw the branch in the middle of the road burning?

"By Ko Olina, near the military ....thing"

Ok, How long ago?

" I dont know....10 minutes?"

How big was what was burning?


Ok....thanks for calling

Then there was the lady who saw smoke billowing from the valley, who was seconded in a call from a gent who said there was 'a great deal of smoke' coming from the same valley....

Send a company there, and it was ...

Low lying .... ..... clouds.

I mean really. Put down the crack pipe, please. You'll feel so much more normal

But then we are open 24/7.

Just sayin'

No surf to-day, too spent.



alan said...

I can understand how the ring of a phone might cause you nightmares!


Mags said...

Crack pipes do tend to cause dilerium.

Not that I would know...it's just what I hear.

Mags said...

...and it says it only 7:38pm there...I wish it was still that early here. Or, better, I wish it was that time tomorrow.

1 day closer to Disney World! (Which I haven't told you about) but I'm WICKED tired now and am rambling. Nice, huh? To do that on your blog?

It's only just b/c I love ya!