Football season starts tomorrow.
Real football.
High School.
I played so much football in my years, I never really knew what I would miss the most when it ended.
Hitting people.
For sport.
Running down a field at full speed, laying into another in full gear; there is a rush that engulf like no other.
Fully endoctrinated as the coach's kid, I was supposed to be a Quarterback, or some star-spangled shit like that.
I was an offensive linemen.
The least seen on the field, the most noticed when you screw up.
I miss hitting people.
Nothing gets your frustration level corrected like laying the leather on another.
The enemy.
I miss that.
I would think that "beating your head against the wall" at "the Pink" would count for something along those lines!
But does getting "slammed" occasionally come close to it? Only having "body surfed" a bit (30 years ago) and gotten tumbled under, I've never really felt that one...
Funny. Junior year the guys trying out for the local high school team had to fill out a questionaire and one of the questions was, "Why do you want to play football?"
Moose's response was, "Because if I play football I get to hurt people without suffering any consequences."
He's always been an honest kid.
Football -- no better sport for releasing the aggression. Except maybe wrestling, which might be even better, because, man-to-man means sometimes it's PERSONAL. And even I got off on watching Moose win a grudge match. High school wrestling turned me into a monster.
I don't feel your pain. But I recognize it. You seem like a normal guy to me :-)
Good grief! It took me this long to figure out that I can comment on here! This is what I said out loud when I discovered this:
I once got angry and demolished a vcr. It felt right. Sometimes, aggression is fantastic. I'm a big fan of sports that allow people to knock the crap out of each other. i.e. Football, hockey, etc. I played Hockey for a bit as a teenager and wanted badly to LIVE in the penalty box. In junior high school, back when such a thing existed, I was asked by the football coach to play on the team as the punter and the kicker. This was only because I was a goalie on the high school soccer team and could punt a ball about a I turned him down. There is simply no room for kicking someone's ass as a punter. But, shit.... that would be something to see. Sigh.
I give inanimate objects hell.
I used to want someone to come at me while I walked from campus to my car, when I was in college. Invited it so's I could let it all un coil on someone, and be in the right. (That sounded kind a messed up didn't it?) Oh well, it never happened anyway, and if it had I would have probably gotten my can kicked.
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