
Brothers In Arms

Pix used w/out permission from Satans Laundromat

From 666 Laundromat

Mahalo's to 666 Laundromat - For the pix. - Unbelievable. Chills.


4 Firefighters die in California.

And the fire will still rage, and come dawn others will take their place.

Still others will return to the station and pack the victims things, console the loved ones, and go to work.


You can feel the air.

It will wrap around your protective gear, and accelerate every sense you have, and you will not know how to describe it.

Not to your fellow firefighter, not to your loved ones.

Not even to your self.

You are entrusted with a job to do, and that is to contain a living, killing machine.

Heat that is intense; that invades the scientific protection that surrounds you; costing thousnads of dollars, does nothing to stem the heat.

You will literally feel your skin begin to boil.


Sitting inside a rig, and having that intensity wash over you and your brothers....


As I sit in Honolulu, at my second job, so I can afford to live here.

And the cast and crew of the show "Lost" is here.

And they are bitching about the humidity.


Fucking values.

Fucking Fucktards.

Just about had it.

Just Fucking about.


Try to forgive my anger, it is the absurdity of these people, the lack of reality that they exsist in, the fact that the amount of dollars they are paid to 'act', all rolled up into me and has come out spewing.




for them.



Rain said...

It is hard to understand why we value actors and models and rock stars so much. Oh and I forgot to mention the professional athletes. I'd like to see some money go to more deserving professions.

Anne said...

what a phoney joke these shows turn out to be.
rank amateurs they are, compared to the folks that TRULY have it together, like the firefighters who willingly risk it all.

oh, and a belated happy wedding anniversary to you and your queen.
take good care.