
This Monkey's Going To Heaven (apologies to The Pixies)

After 24 @ firecom, and a morning sans surf, sans coffee,and sans brain function, I am realtively sane.


Lady of the compound is sick, she got the bug, the bug known as bitc...bronchitis. She has not been a hella buncha fun to be around. But then again, neither has yours truly.

OK, time to bury that.

Nothing like strting a 24 hour span of time w/ a few major alarms, pinned in auto, chemical odors, sky diver whose parachute failed and landed in the ocean.

...And he survived, only to go back and jump again later that afternoon. Shit, I'd be done an beering myself to death after that.

Ended the daylight hours w/ - 2 teens lost on a hiking trail, another persons pinned in auto accident.

Nothing like a quiet weekend shift.

3 days of pink abuse, The Kiddo back to school, (and she better have the attitude in check) or.....or what, I have no bloody idea, cause she is a testing my patience, sanity and all-around good naturedness (she may disagree on that one)...and then it is back to firecom, then back here for more pink abuse, and then again the cycle starts over.

I am a gerbil on a wheel, in a cage, going 'round and 'round.

But light is around the corner; I went and made a rez for Las Vegas as a annivesary dig for me and (whats her name) in November, kinda a get-away before the holidaze. 7 days from the 14th to the 21st. I gotta freebie (how free, is a infinite question) at the Main Street Station, and the first 3 at (shhhhhh no tell her, eh?) Bellagio. If this doesnt get me laid, nothing will. Gotta figure some way to spring it it on her.

That all she wrote folks, have a inspired, fruitfilled, week.



alan said...

Gerbil on a wheel...I resemble that remark!

May you find a minute to surf this week, and your next 24 be a quieter one!

As for heart-breaking daughters, I'm glad I had boys...my grandaughter is the first girl in the family since my sister in '59, and at 5 she already is "working it". The pout, the tears, the lip quiver...I can't imagine what 10 more years will bring!

Thinking of you...


Sandy said...

whoo hoo! Sounds like a fun time coming up. DOes she even know you guys are going? Man, I miss the shopping up there. But then again, gotta pay off the damage from last time first.
You deserve this break, hope it's a great time for you! Hey, you wanna take my mom's suitcase back to her for me? lol. I can drop it off at the pink when there for my friend's wedding Oct 15

Jennifer said...

Ha! Witchdoctor loves Bellagio. His wife has the short-shorts with BELLAGIO across the butt. You go -- you've earned it.