
Credit for "bitching uterus"

Koolau Waterfalls

Zilla gave me insight into "bitchin' uterus"

ie- The owner of which will be really, really into menopause, really love; really, really love to be around you, (me) really really have the best mood possible 24/7, be completely sane, never changes ones mind, (did I say really sane?) cool, calm and collected; no fluctuations in temperature, always remembering the good parts of the pregnancy, never irritable.

Could go on, but theres gold in them there grout, and I gots ta get it out!

I love the owner of my bitchin' uterus.

Just gotta see through the clouds...

*spaztick winking*



fineartist said...

It is a wise man who focuses on the things he wants to manifest in his life. That’s the ticket, you know? Sure you do.

Some/most parts of menopause suck, the power surges…suck, the mood swings, not too bad except for the crying jags--gads I gag myself when I’m on a hormonal crying jag, it’s embarrassing. I got a bad hair cut once and sat in the chair and cried…gaaa, wouldn’t you hate some kook who started bawling over a hair cut? It’s just hair for gaaa’s sakes.

I had typed a load of information about menopause and female cycles, but caught myself just at the end of my rant; I spared/saved you. Heh, heh.

Aw, Mark, you’re the bees knees.

alan said...

My wife of 30 years is cycling through that off and on for several years now. After thinking I was going to lose her 4 years ago to cancer, I'm just happy to still have her here...

Catch one for me when you get a chance, K?
