
Cell Phone 911

Transfer of info -

Operator: Fire department.
Girl: I'm in Waikiki Yacht Club and we're sinking in the car. And I can't open the door.
Operator: What is happening?
Girl: I'm in the car and I can't open the door and the water is coming in and we're sinking! No, I don't wanna drown!
Operator: Waikiki Yacht Club?
Girl: Yes!
Operator: Okay, we're sending some trucks.
Girl: Please, hurry!

Knee jerk reaction.

We handle a gazillion calls in 24 hours.

Cell phones are not ID'ed on the screen with a number, just a provider.

So we try to get info, get location, get details, find out WTF is going on.

By ear.

So to say that one needs more training to hear, strikes me as quite ironic.

A huge number of calls are not EMERGENCY related. You cant say - "Yo numbnuts, 911 MEANS emergency, what motherfrickin door were you behind when the brains were passed out?"

No, you gotta be PR friendly.

I can deal that.

It wasnt me, but what if it was?

Now i gotta question my own powers of digging out info.

Just what I need.

More work.


link to more on the story


Mags said...

I heard about this story on TV last night and thought of you. Is this your guys or are you not even close to this area and I'm making a fool out of myself?

The point is, is that I thought of you when I saw the story. That's nice, right?


fineartist said...

Oh man, oh man, man. This kind of stuff freaks me out. Thank God she was okay, thanks to the guy who noticed the bubbles and went in…wow, amazingly horrid that the others didn’t even notice, wonder, or think that maybe something wasn’t right. Scary as all hell. Sad that her grandpa died.

Hang in there Mark, what you do, most people couldn’t do, me included.

fineartist said...

Oh man, oh man, man. This kind of stuff freaks me out. Thank God she was okay, thanks to the guy who noticed the bubbles and went in…wow, amazingly horrid that the others didn’t even notice, wonder, or think that maybe something wasn’t right. Scary as all hell. Sad that her grandpa died.

Hang in there Mark, what you do, most people couldn’t do, me included.