
Doing My Part For The Tourist Industry

Click Da Link For fare specials to Alohaland.

Just doing my part for our #1 industry - where I am off to in a moment after last nights cluster screw, I am amazed I didnt pull a (hack, cough, phlooooey) sick day. Better judgement aside, off to hana (work) I go. Waiting for pau hana time (finished work)

I may have an appointment. (winking at ya 'Zilla, winking at ya!)

BTW - I met Lady C @ 13, we have been married for....1, 6. ... eleventy three...23 years now.

1 true love for 33 of 'em.

Where in the heck is she anyways?



Sandy said...

ahhh yes, I see it's 33 years since you've MET. duh. I thought "man, dat buggah old, must be around 50!" nope, not yet!

Jennifer said...

Where is Lady C? Hmmm. Perhaps she is off preparing for an appointment? ;-)