
Sand In The Shorts (or leave the surfwax out in the sun, on your car)

Baby sitting adults.

In this lot of a so called life, I have the annointment of baby sitter to adults. Fo' real. It seems to follow me all over. From the irritating as hell need to instruct waithelp (over and over and over adinfiniteum) on how it is there responsibility to check the signature, check that a room number is there, etc....I repeat this propaganda at least 25 times a night in this pink hell hole. That, as well as, listening to semi-literate immigrants complain how "fricking oostralians" stiffed them (again)...combined with the Japanese touristas that cant see the kanji stating 15% NOT included (maybe should be incRuded?) I gots my head as far up my arse right now as I can.

Now, I figure a responsible, able adult should KNOW what a responsibility is. Oh no, dear friends, that is MY job. I dont mind dissecting the chicken scratch that the drunken visitors leave, but after hearing the constant complaints on stiffing, under tipping, complainers, ya da ya da ya da, I have come to a conclusion -

Maybe you are not that great of a waiter, fool. It is a distinct possibilty.

Then you get the wonder of wonders, people who call 911, and when the first word out of their mouth is "its not an emergency"..... I mean, seriously folks, WHAT ROCK WERE YOU UNDER? For crying, (almost, seriously) out loud! No explanation for it. None. Nada. Zero.

It is 911. Emergency line. The call screeners ASK you if it is an emergency.

How do these people survive? Spoon feedings? Sponge baths? Diaper changes?

Ack. Ackitty, ack.

Then I have the wonder of all, my eldest, comboed with his GF, and her daughter. Now a disagreement, sure, they happen. Mixed messages, OK. Eldest is working. Point for you, bro. GF is not. Daughter is coming around, being 4, moving, etc., understandable glitches in that machine.

I do not run a hotel. I may work at one, but I do not run one.

So for me to expect that things should run smoothly while I am working, I find not real outta line, capish? So bruddah gets his moods, and acts up, deal with it. Ok, I can. The GF cant. So I gotta play - - - BABY SITTER TO ADULTS. I am not a lawyer, but for god knows what reason, I am supposed to mitagate this problem. (like I have the time to sit down, hash out my own beefs with them, but nooooooooo, I gotta deal theirs first)

So instruct bruddah to get his shitski together, and talk to the GF, and work things out. (because #1, they want me to pay for the GF car to come over, and help them out till they get 'on their feet') Uh, yeah, try FIND your feet first....but that in and of itself is too much brain warp overload.

Bottom line is, she is going back to Cali, which, I, for some reason, am being blamed for by Lady C.

Uh, hello?

Someone check for brain activity in my home, please?

The test pattern seems to be stuck, and the TV is only catching snow.

Loose wires?

I am so done with baby sitting of Adults.

Last one out, turn off the lights, please.


Times 2.


Did I mention I was a might perturbed?


Hope it doesnt show.


Sandy said...

Such is life. Sorry things aren't going well with son still yet.

I heard Australians don't tip because they don't at home, or something like that, it's a foreign concept to them.

eh hey hey, now I know why you read waiterrant!!!!

Jennifer said...

My mom says when kids become adults the kids are entitled to a life of their own, and that's a two-way street. Parents owe it to their kids not to interfere and adult kids owe it to their parents not to impose.

It sounds like Lady C does not feel imposed upon, but you do feel imposed upon?

I think you have good instincts.

Comes a time we gotta knock the kitten off the tit, for its own good. If Momma Eagle fails to kick her fledgling outta the nest, the fledgling dies.

You got good instincts. You are frustrated because others fail to see the wisdom that comes more easily to you.

Hang tough.

Anne said...

my heart always reminds me about "roots and wings"-in regard to raising kids. my eldest(23) is on his own in oakland, doing great, avoiding assistance as much as he possibly can. no babies yet, and he's enjoying flying solo, after a long term thing right outta high school. i happily helped him out last weekend, to get more of his stuff. he never asks-i offer. he is too pride-full sometimes.

middle kid (19) is in her 2nd year at sonoma state. she lets me pamper her more than he does, but finds more independence within on a regular basis. she is not yet intrigued by any "dudes" around her-is extremely picky about all of that.

and my "baby" is 13.5, a work-in-progress. music is her life, thus far, and it's getting her through the puberty stuff.

my mom remarried when i was still a kid. he wanted nothing to do with her 2 children, and made that quite clear. she thought she was doing the right thing, by keeping us away as much as possible. she was not. it was awful, to never feel like she was within reach again-ever.

so... when i had my kids, i knew that i would raise them to go out into their own lives, while always being clear that they'd be welcome in my/their home. so far, it has worked well for me-and-mine.

nothing like a lousy childhood to make one want to be there for her own kids, in my case. all this blathering is to say that as his mama, lady c's heart strings may be getting pulled-on a bit more tightly. sometimes we moms are just big suckers! i hope things get worked out for all of you soon!
sorry for the rambling rant...

oh, and my darling's parents are here on the mainland from hilo now. we are having dinner with them in albion tonight. i can tell his dad is ready to get out of california again as soon as he can!