
Full Moon, It's Mr. Manic

Its full moon time again, meaning little sleep for me, and manic rushes for my brain. Spazzing along doing everything and nothing at the same time, I'll be a basket case in no time. Back to Hotel fun tonight, and 12 hours of OT at the Firecom 'morrow. Then its 24 hour shift for Friday, back to the Hotel Saturday. Whooo- hoo! and in between I will be flying about, trying not to lose any more marbles. I may even surf.


Whats that?

John, Waiting for a pick-up
Paint, Me...Bad Combination
Baron, & Nala

Baron is a chinese crested, the ugliest dog around. Lady C and her animals. Maile is the responsiblity of Nala. She hassles Baron ALL DAY LONG. ALL DAY. 24/7.

We put the "D" in dysfunctional around here.



Segue said...

That is one of the ugliest dogs I have ever seen. It TOTALLY needs some hot pink hair dye for the mohawk.

I love seeing a toilet sitting somewhere it doesn't belong. Seriously. It cracks me up every time. You should go outside in the morning and sit on it and read the paper.

Jennifer said...

Ditto, Segue. Also, perch a roll of TP on the lightpost for the convenience of passers-by. Put a tips jar on the back of the tank. You're missing an opportunity here :-)

fineartist said...

Those two ^^^ they crack me up.

Nala looks like she is trying to trip poor little dog-pecked Baron in the photograph, even. Shame on her. He should be allowed outside time, alone, daily.