
Niele Kane (Knee-ellie Cah-Nay, Nosy Man)

Busy man, just a quickee, but if Chevron delivers Chevron gas, and 76 delver 76 gas who the hell is delivering Yamashiro gas? (Morning no coffee, man)

And then ya got Lady C changing her mind....

And then I am coming home to a great sunrise....

And damn I re-sealed, cleaned and polished the hell outta da upstairs....

FA - Your son is a handsome lad in that shirt...sorry sooo big, thats all we got!

White shirt not good for kids, I learnes the hard way....




Angeline Rose Larimer said...

Stopped by to check out the interview results.

Am now smiling from 35 (or so) states & a 1/4 ocean away.

It's FREEZING here, but you sure spread that Hawaiian sunshine...even though, it looks like you had a long day.

fineartist said...

Hey that bathroom is coming along nicely. Progress in home improvement is time for celebration in my book.

Thanks Mark, Samps is the bees knees, and he loves that the shirt is large, and it fits ME fine, though I’ll probably have to wrestle him to wear it. It’s okay, I can take him.

And yah the shirt is soaking now….

Beautiful sunrise……looks warm there.