
Harry S Truman

Harry passed today, in 1972

Harry S

I read McCulloghs bio on Harry. It was one of the best reads I ever had the pleasure to delve into. It must take an amazing amount of courage to be the head of the most powerful country in the free world. The mere monkey in the Whitehouse today should take a read, and see what a real man does under pressure.

There are a lot of reasons to dislike the leader of our country. Political, social, beliefs, whathave you. We can look at each leader of our land and judge, or review his time in office, and come to our conclusion of what is/isn't good.

Harry walked at 100 steps a minute. He had a shot of whiskey in the morning. He played cards with 'the boys'. He was madly in love with his wife.

The buck stopped at Harry.

He took responsibility for the country. Not just his party, the whole country. He mad decisions that changed the world we live in today, to save human life, and keep safe the soldiers fighting for us.

Each of us has the power to change the world, ever so slightly, or ever so greatly.

Teachers lead, nurture, guide. They may be the greatest influence on a young mind the world knows.

Parents by example, lead, love, and raise.

So many today don't have a inkling as to what it means to take responsibility for ones actions. Too often it is finger pointing time, law suit time, blame game time.

I am a lucky man, I live in a beautiful place, I have a family that surrounds me in insanity. I have a great job, that affords me satisfaction of helping others. I have a second job that drives me to drink.

As the year ends, and goals are set for the next 365 odd days, I wonder what I can do as a human on this planet to make it better for those around me.

Harry would give 'em hell.

What'll the next year bring? I don't have the foggiest, but I do know that in my heart, in the deep, dark places in my mind, I have to have the presence to be there. To be there for my fellow man, for my family, for the downtrodden. For the lonely, ostracize. The hurt. The hopeless, the hopeful.

Think I will try my best to be the kindness of a stranger that we all need once in awhile.



Jennifer said...

You're a good friend & a good role model, HM.

Bless you.

And stay away from the rocks.

fineartist said...

Me too, you inspired me this morning. I'm all over it.

Mags said...

What I love about you is that you strip all of the "surfer dude" stereotypes away and leave me with an uplifted feeling.

I love it when you do that!

Rain said...

Thanks. I feel better already.

Angeline Rose Larimer said...

Dang! So glad I stayed up to stop by. Excellent and inspiring.
And I'm reading this...after the Ayn Rand book...