
NPR - Lobotomy Story

I thought this story was very moving. It is hard to explain why, but I think it is because when I was going to Drake, I worked in a State Mental Hospital (Broadlawns General) and met a lady who had a lobotomy. Working there taught me alot about respect. Respecting others and having empathy.

The story is compelling, but the nature of the situation, and all the side situations that led up to his lobotomy. I just remembered a whole slew of shit from my past, and how things could possibly be different for me, or anyone else for that matter.

When I was 12, I was, to put it nicely, a handfull. Two hands. My Mom, she was well equipped for love, but for the challenges of the early 70's and this tyrant (me) probably wigged her out a bit. Dad as I have said before, is and was then, a very dedicated football coach. Combine the two, and you have brew of opportunity for a nervous breakdown.

And thats what my Mom had.

I remember playing a pop-warner football game, and afterwards, she wasnt there. That was completely wrong. My Dads brother, he and his wife picked me up. They said Mom had a "issue". I still wonder what the fuck they were thinking I was thinking a fricikng 'issue' was. To make along story short, I may have been a load, but I wasnt the evil incarnate. My Uncle and his wife made me feel that the entire 'issue' was my doing. Anyhow, for a very, make that V E R Y long time, I really disliked my Aunt. She kinda ground the guilt shit into me. In terms of the NPR story, I wonder what she would have done if I was hers?

I forgave her, after she admitted to Lady C, that in the past she had been an 'ass' to me. You gotta forgive, or that shit will rot you out.

Except in-laws that are doofus' and the evil contractor Curt.

The NPR link is a good listen.

Be well.


1 comment:

Jennifer said...

You sure straightened out, didn't you? And in the area of Takes One to Know One, you came out equipped to deal and to forgive.

Forgive. I am so needing to remember that today. Going to keep that in mind if it kills me.

Thanks, Mark.