
Siblings, (or lack thereof)

Waiterrant wrote this one -Siblings

And that got me thinking....

And that you know leads to all kine bad stuffs, yeah?

I have none. Mom & Dad said "the HELL if we are having another one of those!"


I always wanted a brother, sister or combo of the two, woulda suited me fine. But I managed. Lady C on the other hand, has 5. 5 morons. Complete, total idiots. AND I AM BEING NICE!!!!! My Momster has 1, two others died at child birth. My Dad has 2.

Almost all of them have had some sort of conflict over the 'estate' when someone passed. It leads to all kinds of bullshit, except for Mom, her Mom had nada, and her sister is a angel, so no problems. My Dad, when Gramps died, all the brothers wife could think was "what is in it for me". She had to wait for Grammar to pass, and then got diddly. So go figure.

The only real point I am trying to make here is that why leave anything? I have given my keiki (children) everything I can, and tried to raise them to be self sufficient. I fthey cant do it on their own, no amount of kala (money) will do it for them. What I will leave them is something of a enigma, wrapped in a wet blanket of love. They will either get it, or they wont.

Goes like this -

We brought you into this world, we raised, cared, and nutured you to the best of our limited abilities. No money can replace the times we shared together, the good as well as the bad should have been more than enough to create in you all some semblance of independence.

All we have ever asked is that you -

Dont Lie.
Dont Cheat.
Dont Steal.
Dont Play Ball In The House.
Put The Soap Back In The Soap Dish.

Thats it. We love you.

Anything else you got off of us, to make you stronger is gravy.

Hey, it aint great, but it is true.

Any how...Aloha.

Back to Fire, manyana.



Jennifer said...

Zilla asks you to please replace the empty toilet paper roll,and when doing so, to hang it so the paper comes through the back, up and over the front, like all sane kine people do.

Sweet post, HM. Love is all ya need.

Segue said...

I read Waiter's post as well... And I can't relate.

My parents have money. I don't want it. I don't WANT to need it. If I do "need" it, I've failed them, and I've failed myself. I'm a big boy now, and greed will never figure into my family financial picture.

If the post is true, I think it's poignant evidence that money doesn't buy happiness.