
Post It Note # 300

I got back to work at the Firehouse today. Some day someone smarter than I will explain to me how when I earn 24 hours of vacation, it becomes 22 when I get paid.


Memorable calls this evening -

"We get fire ova here"

"Where? you are calling on a cell phone?"

"Ova here, on the house nex' door"

"Ok wheres da house? Youre cell doesnt give me an address...Where is, and what is on fire?"

"Da apartment nex' door"..."Uh, numbah 305"

"....(arrrrrrrrggggggghhhhh) Where is that apartment at? WHAT IS THE ADDRESS???"

" Uh, try wait....(now to other person not on phone) .."Hey Ma!..Where we stay live?"

"...(criminy sakes)....Hellooooo? What is the address, and what is on FIRE?"

".....(jostling of phone,...) ..."(soft & loud, excahnge between these 2 einsteins).."He like know da address..? ..You dumb ass, the address...What Ma? where we stay?....Gimme dat gawd damn phone...Here den take 'em...I no KNow da address...so what you when tell me fo'call,a nd da guy need da address, so.....(phone noise, clunks, and Ma gets on -)

" Uh...Hello?"

"Yes, howzit. What is the address there - and WHAT IS BURNING?"

" Oh, uh, yeah, da neighbor, he was cooking, and now he put it out, so uh, yeah, no need, no need da fire mans come over"

" Mam, can I get the address?......PLEASE?"
(before i come thru the phone and rip your ever-loving lungs out...)

" Uh, yeah. stay 20394575 whatever lane, and da fire stay out, no need, da neighbor, he was cooking, yeah, and uh, he when put it out, da buggah was burning,,and uh, my son he when ask, and I when give 'em da phone, and he when call...."

"Ok mam, there is nothing burning, everything is all right? We will send a truck to make sure..OK?"

"Uh, yeah, Ok Mr. Fireman, can send da truck, but da neighbor when put 'em out...and...

(dear god, kill me now....just take me now....It is only 9AM and I got 22 hours to go......)

Gee, it is great to be back at work..............

A L O H A ...

(sometimes means good-bye!)



Jennifer said...

WHAT?! Someone set their boogers on fire?!? How? Accidentally when lighting the crack pipe by the sounds of it.

Patience, Grasshopper. No time fo ring da crackhead's neck!

Gotcha down for secret Santa. Thanks for joining us.

starbender said...

Some People R just Plain Stuuupid!